About me

Black and white portrait of a girl with glasses from a 3/4 view. The girl is looking upward.

I’m a UX Designer with a background in graphic design. I always focus on understanding the needs and goals of the business and how they can be communicated to the customers simply. My curiosity towards people and why they do what they do led me to UX design. My experience with working with different teams taught me the importance of communication and alignment on the same vision.

I believe that by listening and trying to understand people, we can solve big problems for real people.

As a cat-mom of two rescues, I’m very sensitive to animal well fair and nature preservation. These are two industries where I would like to help.

Otherwise, when I want to relax, you can find me sewing, drawing, reading, and watching anime. Did I mention I’m also a big Harry Potter fan? (10 points to Gryffindor!)